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Stackfood Animation

Multi Restaurant Food Ordering & Delivery Solution with Source Code

Multi Restaurant Food Ordering & Delivery Solution with Source Code

Build your very own multi restaurant online food ordering & delivery business with Stackfood’s complete source code & post-purchase services.

Build your very own multi restaurant online food ordering & delivery business with Stackfood’s complete source code & post-purchase services.

MC Donalds
Delivery Solution Map
Stackfood Pasta
Multi Restaurant Food Ordering and Delivery Solution stackfood multi restaurant food ordering and delivery solution with source code

What Comes with StackFood?

StackFood comes with a complete package that you need to get started with your online food delivery business easily.

iMac Front
StackFood comes with a complete package stackfood comes with a complete package 2
What Comes with StackFood?


Admin Panel

Deliveryman App (Addon)

Customer App

Restaurant App (Addon)

Restaurant Panel

What Comes with StackFood?
Group 1597884143
Group 1597884143

How Does StackFood Work?

StackFood is designed to make your business more flexible and cost effective across all users. So you can ensure successful order delivery each time.

1. Customer places order through app or web

5. Customer receives order from deliveryman

2. Restaurant accepts the order and starts to prepare food

3. Restaurant prepares food and handover to deliveryman

4. Deliveryman receives food from the restaurant and out for delivery

how does stackfood work
How Does StackFood Work?
StackFood Order Accepted By Deliveryman
Frame 1597884077

1. Customer places order through app or web

2. Deliveryman accepts the order and sends to the restaurant

3. Restaurant receives order from deliveryman and prepares food

4. Restaurant handovers the food to deliveryman after preparing food

5. Deliveryman receives food from restaurant and out for delivery

Power Elite Author On Codecanyon
Power Elite

Author On Codecanyon

Vector 76 1
StackFood Pie Chart
Product Sold
2.2 k+
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Stackfood Best Customer Experience
Ratings & Reviews
0 +
Vector 76 1
Free Update Forever and Always
Free Update

Forever & Always

Stackfood Light Icon
Stackfood Animation
Stackfood Animation

The Smartest Ways to Make Money with StackFood

With StackFood, you get to run your multi restaurant business seamlessly along with making money as you scale with smart revenue streams.

Commission-based Earning
Subscription-based Earning

Commission-based Earning

Subscription-based Earning

Smartest Ways to Make Money with StackFood
Stackfood Animation
Stackfood Animation

Integrated with World-Famous Payment Gateways

Stripe Logo
Liqpay logo
Paypal Logo
Razorpay logo
Razorpay logo
Sslcommerz Logo
Mercado Pago Logo
Sslcommerz Logo
Mercado Pago Logo
Flutterwave Logo
bkash logo
Senangpay Logo
Flutterwave Logo
bkash logo
Senangpay Logo
Paymob Accept Logo
Paytabs Logo
Paystack Logo

SMS Gateways

Twilio SMS Gateways
Nexmo SMS Gateway
Msg91 SMS Gateway
2factor SMS Gateway

Want To Make StackFood Your Own? Here’s How

Purchase StackFood from CodeCanyon

Purchase StackFood from CodeCanyon

Install and configure StackFood to your server

Install & configure StackFood to your server

Set up the admin panel and launch your website

Set up the admin panel & launch your website

Publish your app to App Store and Google Play Store

Publish your app to App Store & Google Play Store

Invite restaurant owners to register and enlist their foods

Invite restaurant owners to register & enlist their foods

Start selling food and make profits from your business

Start selling food & make profits from your business

Want To Make StackFood Your Own?

Ensure the Perfect Checkout Journey for Your Customers

Customers can select food conveniently, customize their orders, and complete transactions during checkout. The checkout process is simple and minimized with multiple payment options.

Jumpstart Your Business and Achieve the Perfect Fit with Our Premium Services

Stackfood Animation
Start Your Business Instantly

Start Your Business Instantly

We set up your entire system, from installation to full configuration and app publishing.

make stackfood the best fit

Make StackFood the Best Fit

We discuss your business requirements and create unique features that perfectly align with your goals.

Group 1597884143

Built with Modern Technology for Cross-Platform Performance

Built with Modern Technology for Cross Platform Performance
Stackfood Built With Flutter






stackfood app built with apple ios
StackFood Dashboard Built With Laravel
Stackfood App Built with Android
Stackfood User Website Built with React

Supporting Your Success: We're Here to Help and Support You!

We’re here for you every step of the way. So count on us as we ensure your success and satisfaction.

Stackfood Animation
Stackfood Animation

We Don’t Sell Products, We Make Success Stories


Michael J.

Businessman, Ontario

“Thanks to StackFood, our customers can now enjoy world-wide cuisine in a single app. StackFood multi restaurant delivery software simplifies the process of ordering food with faster delivery service at customer’s convenience. We manage 5 business zones where multiple cuisine-based restaurants are available from a single solution.


Sobhan T.

Businessman, Senegal

“With StackFood, I’ve transformed the online food order services into a new height in my country. Now, people can order food on the go and choose the “takeaway” option. So they can pick up the food themselves before returning to their home or workplaces. It’s amazing, and people are loving it!”


Guzman F.

Businessman, Kualalampur

“StackFood has given me the opportunity to create food based on customers' preferences with the “veg/non-veg’’ option. Now, my customers can choose nutritious food from their favorite restaurants from my online food ordering platform. My customers keep coming back, and I’m very happy!”

  • revolutionize The Online food Delivery Industry

    Revolutionize the Online Food Delivery Industry with StackFood!